lunedì 23 aprile 2007

Good Thoughts...... Bad Thoughts....many Thoughts

I finished the last essay for The University of York...
I started being a political being again...
I started fighting for my principles again...
I feel deprexed about this world, and international politics is making me worried...
Not to talk about Berlusconi.................

My brain is over-working from yesterday night, but I hope it's not just because of the caffeine... Even if it makes me see bad things all around, I still prefer to be aware of what happens, then to be "confortably numb"...

Anyway, together with many serious topics, I still find time for a small reflection about simple things of my personal life...
Today I have this song in my head...
And I find it amazingly funny how the same song can just stop being incredibly sad, and make me just smile for a second....

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